The 7 Day Central Australian Tour, 17/06/2017 to Alice Springs/Uluru has four vacancies.
Please contact Ms Lewis if you would like more information.
Itinerary: 7 Day Central Australian Tour 2017
2016/2017 Central Australia Tour: Payment Schedule
Parents please note: The deposit must be paid by the due date however other payments are suggested to be made by the set dates to ease the payment cost over a longer period. Any amount, or the total amount can be paid at any time. Please make sure payments are made to the school office and clearly marked as Central Australia Camp 2017.
Electronic payments can be made to:
Biller Code: 87361
Reference: Your child’s reference
Deposit: $300.00 payable Thursday 27th October 2016
Payment 2: $400 by 19th November 2016
Payment 3: $400 by February 2nd 2017
Payment 4: $400 by February 16thh 2017
Payment 5: $400 by March 9th 2017
Payment 6: $400 by March 23rd 2017
Please note: Deposit of $300 is not refundable as this is used to secure airfares and land costs.