Program for students with disabilities

*** Testimonial ***

“When I was in year 7 or 8 there is no way I ever imagined I would complete my VCE.

The support I have had from the Integration Aides at Berwick College has been pivotal to my success at school. They have given me confidence, direction and have acted as a mentoring system.

It’s not so much what they have done for me but what they have helped me to do for myself.”

Program for Students with Disabilities (PSD)

The Department of Education and Training (the Department) is committed to delivering an inclusive education system that ensures all students have access to a quality education that meets their diverse needs.

The Program for Students with Disabilities is a targeted supplementary funding program for Victorian government schools. It provides resources directly to schools to support the provision of school-based educational programs for a defined population of eligible students with disabilities, with moderate to high needs. 

Objectives of the Program for Students with Disabilities

The Program for Students with Disabilities provides supplementary resources to support schools to achieve three broad objectives for students with disabilities:

  1. Student learning

Support and improve the learning of students.

Key performance indicators include reporting through the Victorian Curriculum framework, NAPLAN and school based assessment.

     2. Student engagement and wellbeing

Support the access and participation of students in an inclusive schooling system.

Key performance indicators include attendance, retention and student school satisfaction survey.

     3. Student pathways and transitions

Support transitions for students, into, through and post school.

Key performance indicators include attendance, retention and On Track data.

Who is eligible for the Program?

Students must meet the eligibility criteria for one of seven program categories: 

  1. Physical disability
  2. Visual impairment
  3. Severe behaviour disorder
  4. Hearing impairment
  5. Intellectual disability
  6. Autism Spectrum Disorder
  7. Severe language disorder with critical educational needs

A dedicated team of Teacher Aides, Speech Pathologists and outside specialist support staff is overseen by the PSD Coordinator to deliver a modified curriculum, sensitive and tailored to specific needs.

The Coordinator works closely with all College staff to ensure students are adequately assisted, and regular Student Support Group Meetings are undertaken.

Additionally the PSD Coordinator liaises with feeder primary schools in the transition phase from primary to secondary education to provide an accurate assessment of students’ needs.

Please contact Assistant Principal Ms Alison Birkett on 8768 1000